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Announcing the Winners

Food Packaging 

Veritas Block Chain




 Marine Plastics 

Ocean Legacy Technologies

Global plastic pollution is an economic, environmental, human health and aesthetic problem posing a multi-dimensional challenge to humanity, often compared to climate change in terms of impact, breadth and complexity. A challenge of this magnitude inspires a surge in search for solutions. 

In order to accelerate the search for solutions from all sectors – from business, entrepreneurs, governments, academia, research institutes, and the general public -- Canada’s National Zero Waste Council  and Think Beyond Plastic™ are collaborating to produce a showcase featuring Canadian innovations. We are looking for innovations consistent with the resource-efficient, lifecycle management approach to plastics in the economy outlined in the G7 Ocean Plastics Charter.


A Canadian Innovation  Showcase, featuring the finalists in this search for solutions, was included in the  Zero Waste Conference  on October 30-31 in Vancouver, Canada. 

Adjudication panel

This project is sponsored, in part, by Vancity.

The content of the written submission for the Canadian Innovation Showcase is not intended for the use of, nor is intended to be relied upon, by any person, firm or corporation, other than the National Zero Waste Council and Think Beyond Plastic™ for the purpose of inclusion in the Canadian Innovation Showcase. The submission will not be released in whole or in part to any third party without the written consent of the Canadian Innovation Showcase applicant.

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